Saturday, December 3, 2011


Bas dengan nombor pendaftaran BAL 1665 merupakan bas pertama yang mencurahkan bakti kepada warga Farisian. Seingat cikgu, cikgu pun pernah menggunakan khidmat bas ini, agak-agak dalam tahun 1990 - 92. Semasa tu bas ini hanya digunakan untuk acara jarak dekat saja. Almaklum, warga emas...!
Kini.... bas ini dah lenyap ... dek dikerjakan oleh pencuri besi buruk.
Malangnya nasib sebuah bas.
Bas ini banyak meninggalkan nostalgia buat bekas-bekas Farisian, terutamanya semasa SMSK dahulu.. Cuba kita hayati komen mereka:-

This is the first bus the school had. When it arrived in 1974 (according to recollections from seniors), teachers and students alike were very excited.

As for me, I remember this bus as one of the main means to get to town for our weekly Saturday outings. It is also the vehicle that took me to various destinations (the further ones were KL, JB, Kuantan, Kuala Terengganu) during many school trips.

Hi, I followed your blog link you gave in the SEMESTA yahoogroup. It is such a nice site to visit!

FYI, I was in SMSKn from '82 to '86 and I have a lot of wonderful memories associated with that ol' school bus. In fact, we even have a guy nicknamed "Abarth" - bersempena bas sekolah ni! 

I noticed that you have a lot of photos about our school and it is very nice of you to share them in your blog. Do you mind if I use some of them in my blog sites? I hope you don't mind...

Consider me as your regular visitor to your blog site - I really enjoy your writing.

I chipped my teeth when I hit the bar atop the seat in front of me. That happened when Pak Hamid hit the emergency brake when we were goin' for our solat Jumaat. It serves as a reminder until this day for me as I have my two front teeth sharpened, lucky it chips in the inner part of it with slight deformation from the front. 

bas ni masa zaman saya (89-93) hanya digunakan untuk solat jumaat ke masjid pengkalan chepa. kami gelarnya sebagai bas bombay. :)

xfaris 89-93

1 comment:

busymum100 said...


Adik-adik patut baca catatan kenangan Abg Amran Mohd Nor ketika bas ini mula2 memasuki perkarangan sekolah kita di sini: